Vanam | Aziz Pasha Andlyan - Design Portfolio

Vanam combines blockchain technology with environmental sustainability

Enabling farmers, businesses, and organizations to offset their carbon footprints by buying, trading, and owning carbon credit-backed NFTs.

Vanam Objectives


  • Promote Sustainability

    Encourage widespread participation in carbon reduction by offering NFTs as a new, engaging way to invest in and support eco-friendly projects.

  • Empower Farmers

    Encourage farmers to participate in carbon reduction by offering NFTs as a new, engaging way to invest in and support eco-friendly projects that directly benefit agricultural practices.

  • Foster Global Impact

    Empower a global community to contribute to climate action by supporting projects that reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental restoration.


  • Carbon-Backed NFTs

    Each NFT is tied to a specific carbon reduction project, such as reforestation, renewable energy, or conservation efforts that farmers can directly benefit from.

  • Marketplace Integration

    Vanam’s platform includes a user-friendly marketplace where NFTs can be bought, sold, or traded, making carbon credits more accessible and liquid.

  • Blockchain Transparency

    Transactions are secured and recorded on the blockchain, providing a clear and immutable record of carbon credit ownership and impact.

  • Community Engagement

    Vanam fosters a community of environmentally conscious individuals and organizations, offering tools and resources to educate and engage users in sustainability initiatives.

Vanam vision is to create a world where every farmers and organization has the tools to make a real difference in the fight against climate change

Vanam vision is to create a world where every farmers and organization has the tools to make a real difference in the fight against climate change


  • VM Desmond P.

    Genetic Advisor of Regene Genomics

  • Hikmat Hardono

    Genetic Advisor of Regene Genomics

  • XBM — Budi M. Rusmana

    System Architect

  • Moch. Hasan

    Forestry Consultant

Vanam is a brand owned by Regene Genomics (PT. Regene Artifisial Inteligen) and designed by Aziz Pasha. Please note that all aspects of this project, including its content, features, and design, are subject to change at the discretion of the brand owners. Any updates or modifications may occur without prior notification to viewers.

Explore the CoopApp project by VIRTEK and Aziz Pasha Andlyan, a responsive cooperative management app designed to improve community administration and efficiency.
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